Friday, February 5, 2010


So I have recently discovered I like stripes.  I don't think I realized that I kept buying things that were striped.  My kitchen stuff is striped.  My beach bag that I can see hanging on my bedroom door taunting me is striped.  My new shoer curtain is striped.  Hm, who knew.

It's snowing.  Again.  I wish I could say I love snow.  I really do.  I love it in the abstract.  If I could stay at home curled up on the couch with hot chocolate and a movie I would like it much better.  But when I have to drive to work in a snow downpour, I like it much much less.  I can't wait until I get to have snow days again!  When I buy a new car, it will definitely have all wheel drive.  I can't get up hills in my little car in the snow.  It's so sad.  I am considering one of these....  In a few years.
A grey Pontiac Vibe.  Yeah, I love Pontiac.  Even though they don't still make them.  That's just mean.
I found some cookie cutters that I am pretty sure I need.  Unfortunately they are sold out on the Williams Sonoma website.  So I am watching some on eBay for a pretty reasonable price.  I mean they are fabulous.  Yes, I'm excited about cookie cutters.  I can't help it.

And now it's time for some Friday night homework.  Fabulous.  Oh thank you grad school for taking over my life.  I hate you. Thanks.

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