Monday, October 5, 2009


I've started the closet. I bought some more hangers. I wish Wal-Mart would sell bright pink hangers year round. Now I'm stuck with some white mixed in. I'm color coding though. All the sports shirts are on the white ones. And jackets are on the light pink ones. It's already so much better in there. I always loved organizing my closet when I was a kid.

I'm also doing laundry. Mountains of it. Now I remember why I should do it way more often. Last week I refused to do it. Now I regret that. Oh well. 2 loads are already done. :)

This week is going to be great. Today is laundry and the closet. I'm going to start on a scarf for one of my friends (I promised it to her last winter, oops!). I'm going to make cheesy chicken and green beans for dinner. Yum! There are also plans for a chocolate pie and tailgating food for 2 football games. I'm also going to clean the whole apartment. Yesterday when I went to buy the Kaboom shower foam they didn't have any. Rats! I was so excited. I love the regular spray!

I wish I could have taken this week off from work too....
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