Tuesday, November 24, 2009

on things I love

I rarely have time for this anymore.  So much to do, so little time.  Thanksgiving is almost here and it's almost time to start baking.  I will start tomorrow -- 2 chocolate pies, a pumpkin cake and spinach dip.  Yum!  I'm looking forward to it.  But, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here are some things I am thankful for.

I bought this today with a $2 off coupon so it was like half price.  I am already in love.  I have the driest skin in the world and this was fabulous.  Ah!  I love it!

This year I am loving fuzzy boots.  My feet have become permanently cold I'm pretty sure.  I got these the other night while shopping on a girl's night with my best friends.  Hooray for shoes and great friends.

My best friend is currently on her way to my house.  I'm taking her to the airport in the morning because I am an awesome friend.  **This also means I should be cleaning my house right now.

Getting ready to order Minsky's pizza for dinner at the request of previously mentioned best friend.  Possibly the best pizza ever.  Yum!

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