Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Play-Do Cookies

Before I started school my mom used to babysit while she stayed at home with my sister and me. One of the kids she baby sat was the son of one of her high school friends. There were usually fun things for us to do during the day. Aside from having extra kids to play with, we would make cookies or play dough or paint with water colors.

This particular afternoon we had been allowed to make cookies. Sugar cookies. Somehow we talked her into letting us color the cookies. Blue. Bright Cookie Monster blue. I remember them being delicious. Well, when the dad came to pick up the previously mentioned son he thought my mom was letting us eat blue play dough. We were sitting at the table rolling out cookies and eating the leftovers from the shapes.

In hindsight it probably did really look like blue play dough and my mom probably looked a little crazy. But really, who hasn't eaten some play dough as a child? Especially the homemade kind. It was always so soft and looked like it should taste good.

I've since (for the most part) grown out of making crayon colored food. However, my mom turned 60 this year and we had a tea party inspired theme. I baked 60 pink cupcakes. No, not strawberry, just pink. With pink icing. They were thing of beauty. I piped swirl designs and flowers, in pink of course, on to the top. So I guess I learned some food coloring is good, some.... well makes food look like play dough.

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