Thursday, January 7, 2010

oh why

Why is the weather man always right?  It makes me sad.  We got six more inches of snow yesterday.  That makes a grand total of 18 inches.  I drove past a snow drift taller than my car.  Driving is.... well a challenge.  It is too cold for them to use salt so they're using sand.  What does sand do?  Glad you asked.  It creates this lovely sludge that makes it nearly impossible to drive.  It took me 45 minutes to drive what usually takes 20.  But I made it home safely.

They called a snow day today and tomorrow has already been cancelled too.  No snow days for me, still go to work to hang out with the kiddos.  So ready for regular school to start.  And for the snow to go away.  I wore 3 pairs of pants this morning when I left my house -- under armour pants, jeans, and some amazing sweat pants over my jeans.  Attractive! 

This is the view from my porch (through the window -- it's too cold to go out again).  That snow is not on a hill, it's drifted that much.  Fantastic.  Here's to warmth and summer time and flip flops and hot days at the lake.  I can't wait!

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