Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Holy cow I am exhausted and it is only Wednesday.

6:30 - woke up
7:00 - got to work
8:30 - left work and went to QT for coffee (coffee sucked)
9:00 - went and observed at a preschool
11:30 - wished I wasn't out of creamer and went grocery shopping
12:00 - cooked delicious lunch
1:00 - sit on couch and stare into space
2:00 - go to work again
7:00 - leave work after working booty off (kids were crazy and I'm trying to get end of year stuff wrapped up) to go on another wal-mart run
8:00 - sit on couch and stare into space, organize kitchen cabinets, eat dinner, do dishes
9:00 - make potato salad (because I'm an awesome girlfriend)
10:00 - wish I was in bed and think about starting chicken for T's dinner

6:30 - wake up
7:00 - get to work
9:00 - hopefully go home and take a tiny nap
11:00 - go back to work with giant coffee in hand
12:00 - take kids on field trip that is currently making me crazy
3:00 - return from field trip and try to wrangle kids until parents come to pick them up
6:00 - go home from work and go buy a wedding present for my awesome friend

Friday is the kids last day of school. Thank God!
But Saturday we're going to a class reunion.
Sunday is the wedding of previously mentioned awesome friend.
Monday is relaxation day at the lake. Whew! I can't wait for Monday. Never thought I'd say that.

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