Wednesday, November 26, 2008


The other night I watched The History of Thanksgiving on the Food Network. I couldn’t tell you much about it other than the fact that the early celebrators enjoyed foods much different than our own. It is still a feast though and a time to be thankful for what we have. Even if the economy is in the crapper and we may not have as much as in years past, there is still plenty to be thankful for. We live in a country where we are free; for most of us there is always food on the table and a warm bed to sleep in; we are loved and taken care of. I think it’s been a pretty good year.

As I began my baking last night (beer bread with pumpkin beer), I started thinking about what I am thankful for this year.
-I am thankful for a family that loves and supports me. That helps me move. That always is happy to see me. That taught me the value of giving and generosity.
-I am thankful to have a job that I truly like and feel appreciated. And a job that gives me holidays off to spend with those I love.
-I am thankful for lower gas prices. I think most of us are.
-I am thankful for new boots that are perfect. Brown cowboy boots and black knee high boots.
-I am thankful for an amazing boyfriend. And thankful that his family likes me.
-I am thankful for my grandparents. They so kindly chose to be my grandparents and love me no matter what.
-I am thankful for gorgeous holiday weather this year. I have on a short sleeved shirt today!
-I am thankful to have not been affected by the less than great economy.
-I am thankful for love and happiness and friends that bring these.

Enjoy your holiday, wherever you may be, and with whomever you’re celebrating. And when you maybe get a little frustrated with all the family togetherness, step away and find something to be thankful for. Or just grab a piece of pie or glass of wine and smile through it. Happy Thanksgiving.

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